Spotlight on Core Values: Balanced Life – Work smarter, not longer

by Cheryl Bobbitt
Director of Corporate Responsibility

“The key to keeping your balance is knowing when you’ve lost it.” ~ Anonymous

The qualities considered necessary to produce a balanced life will appear as varied from one individual to the next as will their social, ideological and moral principles. Because of this, we encourage our employees to find their own unique balance between work life and personal life and we look for ways to inspire them to find the place where healthy equilibrium in life can be achieved.

“How Will You Measure Your Life? is the title of an article by Clayton M. Christensen published in HBR’s 10 Must Reads – On Managing Yourself. Christensen poses three questions that we at Md7 must also answer:

  1. How can I be happy in my career?
  2. How can I be sure that my relationship with my family is an enduring source of happiness?
  3. How can I live my life with integrity?

Because in the busyness of life we rarely pause long enough from our work or play to assess our personal values, taking the time necessary to delve into the process of establishing enduring answers to the above questions can be a life-altering investment.

At Md7 we not only encourage the establishment of personal core values, but we are purposeful in our encouragement of our employees to maintain the integrity of their commitment to those values. We encourage involvement in activities outside of work that will promote family unity and growth in relationships; and activities that will produce personal growth through involvement in athletic, artistic and cultural enrichment activities.

The establishment of personal values and guarding the integrity of commitment to work-life balance will produce happy employees who will contribute to the success and growth of Md7.

maart 26, 2015
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