MD7 Announces Contract Analyzer


SAN DIEGO – June 12, 2019 – Md7 is pleased to announce Contract Analyzer, software that leverages Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) to abstract key provisions and manage lease data for cell site leases. Md7’s Contract Analyzer algorithms were developed specifically to review complex cell site lease agreements with significantly greater speed and accuracy as compared to traditional, manual/human-based/resource-intensive methods.

Contract Analyzer utilizes Md7’s cutting edge, proprietary rules for machine learning to accurately abstract and categorize key lease provisions in thousands of cell site leases for major wireless operators.  Currently, Contract Analyzer has rules ready to deploy in English and German and is capable of quickly expanding to additional languages to accommodate worldwide customer demand for accurate lease data across all Mobile Network Operators (MNOs).

Jared Williams, Director of Data & Analytics identified the need and led the development of this solution.  Williams points out that “Contract Analyzer will improve our efforts to abstract hundreds-of-thousands of telecommunication agreements in support of site upgrades, data and document management, M&A activity, and other analytic initiatives, and provide significant, tangible benefits to ongoing lease and landlord management operations.  By combining Contract Analyzer with LiveTrack, our workflow and lease management software, we can more quickly and accurately review and maintain not just some, but all of the key lease terms. This, in turn, provides better lease analytics and improves decision making across all levels of an organization.”

Due to the constraints of traditional lease abstraction methods such as the large amount of human capital required, and the difficulty in accessing the necessary documentation, cost and time were often significant limiting factors for wireless operators. As a result, extracting lease information has typically been limited to one or perhaps a handful of provisions in a lease that are important for a single initiative. The drawback to this is that the data is of limited value, both in scope, and time. Shortly after it is abstracted, the data becomes stale and unusable.  As a result, the same information has often been abstracted year after year by wireless operators, at great expense.

Contract Analyzer allows users to:

  • Digitize their documents, creating an organized and searchable document database relying on Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and accurate metadata.
  • Implement any number of machine learning rules to quickly and accurately abstract and maintain lease provision data for existing and newly created lease documents, while significantly reducing the time and cost associated with this effort.
  • Push captured data into any system of their choosing for utilization and/or analysis.

Contract Analyzer is a direct result of Md7’s commitment to its core value of Continuous Improvement – finding better, faster, cheaper ways to manage the increasingly large portfolios of real estate assets required to operate every cell site in the world.

For more information, email the Contract Analyzer team at [email protected].


Based in San Diego, California, and Dublin, Ireland, Md7 is a network real estate management company serving the telecommunications industry since 2003.  Md7 has provided a variety of site acquisition, lease management, and negotiation services for over thirty operators in twenty different countries and twelve different languages in Asia, Africa, Europe, North America and Oceania.

To learn more about Md7, please visit

Junho 12, 2019
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