Happy Holidays from MD7

The holiday season is once again upon us. As this time of year always brings joy and warmth, it also brings to a close a very different year from others. While this year has brought along a number of challenges for many people across the world, MD7 continues to exemplify our core value of Giving Back. While this is most pronounced during this season, our employees across the globe have been very busy the entire year fulfilling everyone’s favorite Core Value.

Giving Back in the US

Toys from our Virtual Toy Drive under the tree in the MD7 San Diego office.

In the US, MD7 has partnered once again with the Hope Leadership Academy for their Toys for Hope Toy Drive to collect toys for less-fortunate children in communities within San Diego, California. This year, MD7 set up a Virtual Toy Drive through Amazon for employees and families to purchase gifts for the Toy Drive, which made their way under the Christmas tree at the MD7 office. These toys will be distributed locally at the King-Chavez Schools in Barrio Logan and Lincoln Elementary School in Escondido.

Giving Back in Europe

Our European offices in Dublin, Maastricht, Düsseldorf, and Spain partnered with several charity organizations to organize this year’s Virtual Toy Drive.

Due to current restrictions, all employees were encouraged to support one of the chosen charities online, which use their donations for Christmas Gifts to brighten up children’s days over the holidays.

Photo: Temple Street Children Hospital, Dublin
Photo: Temple Street Children Hospital, Dublin (recent years)

This year’s charity partners were the Temple Street Children Hospital in Dublin, the Ronald McDonald House in Maastricht and It’s for Kids in Düsseldorf.

Our Dublin office supported the charity Christmas campaign It’s in the Bag in Ireland. Employees were encouraged to donate hygiene products or buy a bag of hygiene products on the charity’s website. This cause supported a volunteer group tackling hygiene poverty in Ireland by collecting and donating hygiene products to those who need them. Hygiene Poverty is not being able to afford many of the everyday hygiene and personal grooming products that most of us take for granted.

To help close out this year on a high note, MD7 Europe is also donating a portion of their Q4 revenue to several charity organizations across the region, chosen by our employees. This will be in the amount of 45K EUR in addition to the 32K EUR already donated to various charities across Europe. 

MD7 wishes you and yours Greetings of the Season and Best Wishes for the New Year.

décembre 21, 2020
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